"New year, new you", "less is more", "simpler is better" - you know how it goes, babe... Wanna know how you can simplify your skincare routine along these lines? Skinimalism is a new trend in beauty and skincare that is here to stay. Read on to find out how and why multifunctional skincare products are gaining popularity.
Less is more!
One thing we humans have become so good at is multitasking - so why shouldn't our beauty and skincare products do the same? In the world of skincare, the term 'skinimalism' refers to the use of fewer skincare products that have more than one function in targeting several skincare concerns at a time, as opposed to just one.
Show off your glow, babe ~
Other interesting things that are happening within the skinimalism space includes the “skinification of makeup", which has resulted in makeup products that have similar formulations to serums, face creams and other skincare products - basically keeping both beauty and skincare in mind.
In closing, skinimalism is the answer you've been looking for when it comes to spending less time and money while still taking care of your skin ✨ Watch this space, and keep your eyes on our Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on our growing "Better Together" range.